Wednesday, October 18, 2006

God's doin HIS THANG

Remember the old DC TALK CD.."NU THANG". I do..I liked it..still do, and it came to mind this past week as things start to materialize. Recently, an exciting opportunity has opened up with a group of students from the community and a new friend about twice my age named "Tony". Tony is looking to plug kids he is familiar with in the community into a church, and it looks like we're going to be working together. His kids will be joining mine and we are going to start a separate Saturday night gathering for Sr. High students. It's all in the process right now of starting, so I have no clue how it's going to look. We're going to get together a leadership team, I know that, and go from there. We'll see how things "flo".

In other news life on the shore is soon as I get my nerd stick, I will put pictures up..( if anybody is still following this due to lack of posts and pictures).


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