Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Here it is folks... a sneak peek at the next and last Rambo Movie. You should be able to see the trailor from the Rambo link. He apparently dives in and saves a group of missionaries. I heard an interesting interview with "Sly" about his faith, and he seemed pretty sincere. Anyway, Rocky made a recent Rambo...i'm hoping Ralph Macchio comes out of the woodwork soon and takes on Jean Claude Van Damme or Chuck Norris in "The Last Karate Kid" Here's to hoping...

Friday, June 01, 2007

On to 25

25 years is upon me as of tomorrow June 2nd. In some ways it's hard to believe, in other ways it's not. At least now that I'm 25 I won't get screwed with having to buy the extra insurance when I need to use a rental car. Maybe I won't get carded as much when I try to order a drink when I'm out with people. Then again, maybe I'll have to wait until I'm in my 30's to get that kind of treatment. A couple weeks ago, I was at one of the guy's in my youth groups high school volleyball game. I walked into school during the last period and had a teacher or guidance counselor or something stop me in the hall and ask what period I should be was fun getting out of that one. "Um ...I actually don't go to school here sir"....then he says "I've heard that one before" as we're dialogging the kids dad comes out to meet me in the hallway outside the gym and verifies my identity. So although 25 "seems" old in my head, I guess I'll have to try to do better to try to look the part. One philosophy to take into account as you get older : Aging is optional. = )