Monday, November 27, 2006


I was goin through an old Derek Webb CD..and came across this's really resonated with me recently

As you came to us so we come to you
fragile as a baby hopeful and new
but learning fast that to walk is to fall
soon we've done it all
we come broken and we come undone
we come trying hard to love everyone
but we come up short in all that we do
because we do
so we come to you
as you came to us so we come to you
dirty and hurting then dead in the tomb
but raised redeemed to show off the scars
cause youve brought us this far
you came to show the way not around but through
so through it all we come to you

I really like a lot of his albums. His music has really spoken to me in a lot of ways. Hope everbody had a great Thanksgiving. Continue to remember how deep Christ's love is for us. Come to Him..and live. Peace


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